Orchard (gallery)

Date established 2005
Location 47 Orchard St, New York, NY 10002
Website http://orchard47.org

Orchard, also known as Orchard 47, was a cooperatively organized exhibition and event space located in the Lower East Side neighborhood of Manhattan from 2005-2008.[1] Orchard was collaboratively run by Rhea Anastas, Moyra Davey, Andrea Fraser, Nicolás Guagnini, Gareth James, Christian Philipp Müller, Jeff Preiss, R.H. Quaytman, Karin Schneider, Jason Simon, John Yancy, Jr. and Anonymous.[2] The artist-iniated space was founded after the passing of Colin de Land and the consequential closing of his gallery, American Fine Arts, where several of the founders and exhibiting artists of Orchard had associations.[3] The programming at Orchard generally engaged in dialogues most often associated with institutional critique,[4] a continuation of the objectives of de Land's American Fine Arts.[5]



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